
Gary Allen, a visionary thought leader in the tech space, is robustly experienced in the world of entrepreneurship, from start up to exit, and is well known for his accomplishments in Marketing Technology. Some of Allen’s successes include the creation of a market first Mobile Banking app in 1998; building the market leading bid-management technology while at Performics purchased by DoubleClick, now known as Dart Search, further purchased by Google in 2007; and, as CEO, growing a top competitive intelligence firm that was purchased by Kantar Media.

Allen has spent the last four years as the Principal of Spire Strategy Consulting, now known as Modern Minds, where he concentrates on bringing the ideas of startups to market.  From mobile apps to a completely new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) digital education platform, Allen is committed to seeing the dreams of entrepreneurs realized. Prior to leading Modern Minds, Allen helped an aspiring business man in Minneapolis create FRWD, a marketing agency that combined marketing and consulting in a revolutionary and unique way. FRWD was one of the fastest growing market firms during Allen’s tenure as Partner.
