2016 Legal Cannabis Market Colorado State Profile

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New Frontier Data, in partnership with Arcview Market Research, has released the 2016 Colorado Legal Cannabis Market State Profile.

Colorado remains the most influential adult use market in the country and it has set a high bar for regulatory effectiveness and operational efficiency for the states that will follow. Since activation of the first licensed dispensaries for adult use cannabis in January 2014, adult use cannabis has generated approximately $1.6 billion sales and the state government has raised nearly $367 million in revenue from taxes on both medical and adult use sales licensing fees. Below are some key areas that will be critical in shaping the evolution of Colorado’s market and are included in this report:

  • Economic Impact
  • Canna-tourism
  • Social Consumption
  • Testing & Pesticides
  • Political Buy-in

And much, much more…

* Published December 2016
