Equio® Essential Affiliate Subscription

$45.00 / month

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What is included in your Equio® Essential Affiliate Subscription:

  • Data Marketplace
    • Consumer Trends: Hundreds of data points behind cannabis consumer archetypes to help you truly understand consumers and their habits in each US state.
    • Global Data: Unlock the data behind global cannabis markets including the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
    • Hemp Data: From licensing to harvested acres…find the data you need to conquer the hemp market.
  • Investor Tools
    • WeedEX Real-time Stock Ticker & Indices + Public Cannabis Company Profiles
    • U.S. Investment Opportunity Rankings
    • Daily targeted and curated news w/ archives
    • Medical and adult use market projections 2014-2025
    • Tobacco, Pharma, and Alcohol Industry Cannibalization Indicators
    • Access to Industry Insights Webinars + Archives
    • U.S. Interactive Data Map
    • Country profiles
  • Researcher Tools
    • Patient saturation and patient count indices by state
    • Weekly CannaBits + archives
    • NFD Presentation Decks
    • NFD CannaClips + archives
    • Downloadable Reports From our Extensive Library
    • Access to Hundreds of Data Charts
  • Operator Tools
    • U.S. Cannabis Job Listings
    • Consumer Retail Pricing Index
    • U.S. Cannabis Tax Rates by State, County & City
    • U.S. Cannabis Tax Notices

