Holiday 2016 Mid-year Update


SKU: NFAMR201601MYU Category:
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New Frontier Data in partnership with Arcview Market Research, sponsored by MJardin, has now released, The Mid-Year Update of the State of Legal Marijuana Markets Report. The report gives readers the latest insights into the cannabis industry. The report supplement contains newly updated projected values that reflect changes in the political climate, delays in state market implementation, stricter state market restrictions, and new data from adult-use markets. The mid-year update includes:

  • National Market Projections
  • State Market Projections
  • Key Regulatory Developments
  • Reviews of our Top 10 Trends including:
    • The DEA’s Decision Not to Reschedule
    • The Presidential Election
    • Growing Price War in Adult Use Markets

And much, much, more…

Looking for the whole report?
Click here to purchase the complete version of the 4th Edition of the State of Legal Marijuana Markets Report.



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