The Oceania Cannabis Report: 2018 Industry Outlook

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New Frontier Data is proud to present The Oceania Cannabis Report: 2018 Industry Outlook.
This report covers:

  • Quantitative demand estimates for the size of the total addressable cannabis market in the Oceanic Region (in terms of both numbers of consumers and potential associated revenues).
  • Estimates for the total current annual consumption of dry cannabis flower in the region by country.
  • An analysis of disease prevalence for medical conditions most commonly treated with medical cannabis in legal markets across the globe.
  • Estimates for the potential patient populations in each country in the Oceanic region that has legalized medical cannabis to date.
  • An examination of the potential pitfalls and hurdles that could slow growth of the legal industry in the near term.
  • Recommendations for investors and operators currently looking to capitalize on the opportunity in the Oceanic region.

And much more…

The purpose of the report is to inform operators, investors, and industry stakeholders by providing an informed and data-driven view on the market size and opportunity for legal cannabis in the Oceanic Region.

* Report published October 2018.
