What information can be found in New Frontier Data’s reports and how can it be utilized?

New Frontier Data’s reports cover a wide range of subjects, including national overviews, state-focused reports, and subject matter reports such as Energy Use and Incarceration. Readers will be able to understand, assess, and size market opportunity, potential return on investments and capital requirements. They will also be able to craft sound strategic, operational and investment plans. Our customers will stay informed of global issues and events affecting US cannabis business interests, as well as monitor federal, state, and international tax developments that could influence their short and long-term plans.

  • Operators: Can customize value propositions and product offering based on specific and timely consumer needs. Are able to assess industry, competitive and legislative risks and are able to measure and track business profitability and performance against the industry as well as make informed business decision based on industry trends, market dynamics and legislative action.
  • Policy Makers & Community Leaders: Can assess impact of legalization/decriminalization in their states and cities, educate their constituents, and make better taxation decision benefiting both profitability and socio-economic impact of regulator changes.
  • Investors: Can identify best suited investment opportunities to their specific interests and relevant to projected returns and growth. As well as, craft value-add business propositions in tune with market demand, industry trends, and emerging opportunity areas.