Percentage of Urban Residents In Potential International Legal Cannabis Markets

Percentage of Urban Residents In Key Potential International Legal Cannabis Markets

New Frontier has released with its latest CannaBits data, a chart that shows the percentage of urban residents in key international legal marijuana markets.

But why is the percentage of population in urban areas an important factor?

The population distribution is important, because residents of urban centers generally hold more favorable views of marijuana than rural populations. Additionally, it is easier to serve residents of densely populated urban centers than in rural areas where there are fewer potential customers. Therefore, where marijuana legalization is a growing issue, the potential for both marijuana legalization and new business opportunities is higher in countries with a larger percentage of its population in urban areas.

Argentina, Australia, Israel and Uruguay are the most urban-centric of the selected countries. Uruguay has already legalized marijuana.

Comparatively, Jamaica has the lower urban population at 55%, but the small size of the island nation, coupled with the high rates of home cultivation, suggest that access to marijuana is unlikely to be an issue for the consumers who may want it.


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