A Strong National Majority Now Supports Medical Marijuana Legalization

A Strong National Majority Now Supports Medical Marijuana LegalizationNine in ten Americans across all key demographic groups now support the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a newly released poll by Quinnipiac University.

While there were slight differences in views based on political affiliation, with Democratic voters being more likely to support legalization, even among Republicans, support is strong at 81%.

In this deeply divided political climate, the rare universal support for this issue will enable easier passage of medical marijuana laws at the state level, as well as increase pressure to reform federal marijuana policies.

1 comment on “A Strong National Majority Now Supports Medical Marijuana Legalization

Wow, I really had no idea that nearly 90% of the American population supports Medical marijuana. I have seen it help friends as they go through cancer, anxiety, and depression. It seems to me that there are many good uses for it. I will have to pass this info on to some of my friends.

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