Support for Legalization by Number of Children in Household

Cannabit: Calls for Veteran Access to Medical Cannabis Fueled by Growing Opioid Crisis / 07302017

As U.S. Support for Legalization Grows, Key Demographic Splits Remain

  • According to the General Social Survey (the gold standard of public opinion research), support for legalization has jumped exponentially over recent decades, from 17% in 1987 to 58% in 2016.
  • Historically, people without children have been much more in favor of legalization than those with children, and support falls with the size of the household: In 1987 people without children were more than 2x likelier to support legalization than those with 4 or more (25% vs. 11%).
  • While support has risen across all groups in the past 30 years, by 2016 stark differences remained: Those without children were 68% in favor, while those with 4 or more were 46% in favor.

New Frontier Data will examine other key market demographics in upcoming CannaBits.

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